Zeiss Axio Lab A1 with dark field equipment
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healthy blood magnified 1000 times in the dark field microscope with good oxygen content
Heavily contaminated blood with parasitic loads magnified 1000 times under the dark field microscope
Dark field microscopy is the observation and evaluation of active, living blood.
It has been a variant of light microscopy that has been known for over 250 years. It leads to a dark background against which the structures to be observed stand out brightly. As a result, high-contrast images can still be generated from transparent objects with actually little contrast without the need for prior coloring. Living objects, such as blood, are also easy to observe.
Vital blood examination in the dark field according to Prof. Dr. Günther Enderlein
Günther Enderlein (* July 7, 1872 in Leipzig; † August 11, 1968 in Wentorf near Hamburg) was a German zoologist, entomologist (entomologist) and the founder of the diagnostic method, dark field microscopy. In addition to his work on insects, Enderlein became known for his hypotheses on the concept of pleomorphism (scientific doctrine according to which cells, viruses and bacteria transform into one another and can appear in different forms) of microorganisms and the development of cancer.
The dark field microscopic examination of the freshly drawn vital blood is an important examination carried out in our practice. It provides information about the "inner milieu" and the functionality of the blood cells. The dark field examination provides information about blood cells, endobionts (protein bodies) and plasma, in functional and structural terms. Bacterial developments and fungal pre-stages are also visible in the blood.
What is a vital blood analysis?
How is the investigation carried out?
Using a very fine needle, a small drop of blood is taken from the fingertip and placed directly on a slide. Without fixation or coloring, the blood is viewed and documented directly with the patient via video transmission with a special dark field microscope with 100x to 1000x magnification.
In addition, the blood, in which we have all of the patient's information (morphogenetic field), is manually tested for about 110 different parameters in a radionic test with the ASLD 95 according to Bruce Copen, in order to record the most important stresses. This supplementary test gives us a clear overview of the causal event.
This is followed by a discussion of the overall result and an associated therapy plan. After the blood has been taken, the blood is examined at certain intervals, daily until it breaks down. A drop of blood remains alive on the slide for an average of three to four days.
The "New Dark Field Microscopy" according to HP ES Scheller
Due to changes in the milieu, the symbionts change into an endobionic-parasitic form due to their pleomorphic properties, which wind out of the cells on the 2nd and 3rd day after the blood sample or become visible in a wide variety of forms in large fields. Their culmination (highest stage of development) are molds, which serve to dissolve after death (not visible in living blood).
Pleomorphism = diversity of the symbionts in the blood
Monomorphy = single form of life, no developmental stages
Symbionts are represented by established medicine as the decay products of hemoglobin.
So waste, not life.
Officially, blood has been presented as sterile for 150 years. This means that there are no other forms of life in the blood than the blood cells.
What is important in the blood test is how many of the parasitic growth forms (endobionts) come from the cells. To what extent is a therapeutic correction by symbiotic remedies, for example isopathy or our infopathy (information recipes according to ES Scheller) necessary.
To what extent is the organism capable of regressing all parasitic forms into the symbiotic stage of building up through symbiotic activity, ie the self-healing powers?
According to Scheller's knowledge, the symbionts are micro-fine forms of life that represent the basis for information about life itself. Starting from the light quanta (emanation of the individual creation) in the biophoton level as semi-material light particles, they transform themselves ever more condensing to the material form of our symbionts. The symbionts are in permanent exchange with our light body and as an infinite information store they are also carriers of our basic and genetic information, the DNA.
Hence the immeasurable increase in the most violent vibrations of life during the slow disintegration of the blood.
The symbionts do everything in their power to keep the blood alive in the process of decay.
How long does a drop of blood live?
As mentioned briefly above, a blood drop of three to four days is the norm. The longer the drop of blood lives, the higher the vitality and reserve of life.
The record lifespan of a drop of blood with HP ES Scheller is six weeks, thanks to an extremely active symbiotic vitality. This was unique in Scheller's 20 years of practical experience. The drop of blood should always be observed as long as it is alive.

Heilzentrum Scheller
Holistic Healing
Practice and training institute for
dark field microscopic vital blood analysis and
radionic testing
according to the findings of HP E.S.Scheller