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His motto has always been:


"I have made it my business to concentrate on your healing, not on your illnesses"


The life goal of HP Ekkehard S. Scheller has always been to lead and accompany people independently on the path to healing.


As a therapist and visionary spirit, he has revealed a path to those seeking healing, which offers everyone the opportunity to take the path of self-help.


His wealth of experience enabled him to create the "Infopathie®" series, these information mediators will continue his work on earth.


His motto has always been: "Healing is easy"


and anyone who was allowed to get to know him could only confirm this.


We, his TEAM


  • Stefanie Sisillia Scheller

  • HP Monika Greißer

  • HP Kathrin Mayer

  • Maren Eppenberger

  • Werner Schmiderer and

  • Susanna Jonault


continue the knowledge in the HEILZENTRUM SCHELLER in his sense and look forward to being able to offer you our support.


HP Ekkehard Sirian Scheller

originated from the Hamburg family dynasty of the "Kräutermayers", who produced many doctors and healers. His interest in naturopathy was put into his cradle, so to speak.

In the dark field microscope, HP ES Scheller has been observing the changes in the blood environmentin the dark field microscope since 1995, caused by an anti-bio-killing action (against life), camouflaged fungi, parasites, bacteria, viruses and their toxins emerged that are now in and from our blood Life.

Mr. Scheller developed a completely new perspective and testing, "the new dark field microscopy and radionics according to Scheller, in short - DFRA" to counteract the stress in the body-mind-soul system so that complete liberation and harmonization on all levels is possible.

Radiation fields (electrosmog) Heavy metals (from the soil and through vaccinations) lead in particular to stress in the system, which also has a destructive effect intracellularly due to the many internal loads as oxidative stress.

Mr Scheller coined the term camouflaged forms of pathogen such as Candida fungi or the unicellular flagellates, the trichomonads, or c-candida for short, c-trichomonads, c-borrelia.

It serves to differentiate from the known forms.

(c = camouflage = camouflage, concealment).

Today the Borrelia are also able to protect themselves intracellularly from detection in a camouflage. Through his research he succeeded in decoding these camouflaged parasites and developing an effective therapy (infopathy ©).

This knowledge and practical implementation makes it possible for us today, in a simple form, to remove the heavy metals and toxins (also from the nerve cells) and to restore the pathogens to their original form.

areas of expertise

Detoxification and deacidification of the body

In principle, all clinical pictures because Mr. Scheller has always specifically researched and treated the cause of a disease.

  • all forms of Lyme disease

  • all forms of candida

  • viral, bacterial, parasitic diseases

  • CFS, MCS neurological, autoimmune, oncological, mental and chronic diseases,

  • KPU - HPU (cryptopyrroluria), mitochondrial disease with all secondary diseases

  • Treatment of the digestive tract

  • Food allergies & intolerance

Any form of illness

because the vital blood gives us all the information.


Heilzentrum Scheller

Holistic Healing

Practice and training institute for

dark field microscopic vital blood analysis and

radionic testing

according to the findings of HP E.S.Scheller

Heilzentrum Scheller

HP Monika Grießer

Telefonische Sprechzeiten:

Mo bis Do  9.00 - 12.00 Uhr

Tel    ++49 (0) 7732 / 890 325 7

Fax  ++49 (0) 7732 / 890 380 3



Rossittenstr. 15

D - 78315 Radolfzell am Bodensee



Stefanie Scheller

Volksbank Konstanz

DE 73 6929 1000 0227 9597 03


UID  DE315304479

© 2021 - 2024

Stefanie Scheller Heilzentrum Scheller





Hinweis: Aus wettbewerbsrechtlichen Gründen sind wir angehalten, darauf hinzuweisen, dass die hier vorgestellte Technologie (ähnlich wie z.B. Homöopathie, Bioresonanz und Bereiche der Akupunktur) noch nicht mit der überwiegenden schulwissenschaftlichen Auffassung und Lehrmeinung übereinstimmt.

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