Infopathie © - (information formulas)
developed by HP Ekkehard S. Scheller
In 20 years of experience, naturopath Ekkehard Sirian Scheller has developed information formulas. As with Infopathien © , the sun-drenched brine serves as the basis for this information.
Information, produced and transmitted radionically, is ultimately codings that our wise organism accepts when necessary or neutralized when it is not needed. They serve to free us from all detectable burdens and can never do any harm.
Infopathics are substances that carry certain stable vibration patterns and can transfer them to the body. These patterns contain information of various kinds. By their nature they can be linguistic, mathematical or material.
The various Infopathies © according to HP ES Scheller is a mediator of information based on brine for self-correction, disturbed
and irritated body systems
NEW Infopathie © order online now here:
Infopathy © is available from:
Institute for Infopathy UG
Email info@infopathie.com
Information brochure about Infopathie®
contains an explanation of the Infopathie®, as well as a description of the infopathics, helpful rules for use and intake can also be found in this booklet.
Available in the online shop here:

Heilzentrum Scheller
Holistic Healing
Practice and training institute for
dark field microscopic vital blood analysis and
radionic testing
according to the findings of HP E.S.Scheller