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Procedure of the postal vital blood analysis

via test set

Darkfield microscopic and radionic analysis laboratory

according to HP ESScheller

If you do not want to or cannot arrive, it is possible
To have dark field microscopic and radionic examinations (DFRA) carried out by post, a test set will be sent to you for this purpose.

Dark field microscopy gives us an insight into the quality of the blood. Thus, many connections and causes become apparent.

If the blood environment is not in balance, symptoms and diseases develop. Our goal is to bring the blood environment back into balance, which we achieve with our therapy concept.

You can find more information here

In the laboratory, the test set (vital blood) sent in is examined daily (until disintegration) under the dark field microscope at 100x and 1000x magnification. This causes pathogenic toxins, heavy metals, bacteria, c-Borrelia,
camouflaged c-Candida, c-trichomonads, virus capsules, KPU / HPU and much more visible and classified.

In addition, the blood is tested (manually) radionically for 110 parameters. This confirms the information obtained from the dark field microscopy and measures the degree of exposure. Other causes of illness that cannot be made visible through the dark field but are important for the development of illnesses are also measured.

A detailed report with therapy recommendations will be sent to you by email or post within approx. 7-10 days.

The examination costs € 370, - incl.
• Dark field microscopic examination
• Radionic testing of 110 parameters
• Findings report plus. Therapy recommendations

The basis of our therapy is Infopathie®, which ES Scheller developed itself. These are information brokers based on brine, who will be informed individually for you by radion.
In addition, we always recommend zeolite to help the body detoxify.
Depending on what is found out during the examination, additional preparations such as base products, minerals, vitamins, etc. are recommended.
After about 2.5 to 6 months, we recommend a follow-up test to see where the person is and what still needs treatment.


Laboratory service DFRA Vital blood analysis

Dark field microscopy and radionic analysis of your blood 


We also offer our patients and professionals a laboratory service for the "New Darkfield Microscopy and Radionics

according to HP E. S. Scheller".


You would like to know more about us and

our laboratory services?

We will be glad to help you.


Please contact us under

Tel.. +49 07732 890 325 7


or use our contact form

The fatal consequences of antibiotics

This is an excerpt from an interview that Jo Conrad held with the naturopath Ekkehard Scheller.

You can see the whole interview here

Conventional medicine is based on the unproven assumption that bacteria cause disease. She believes that killing these germs could solve the problem, but that is a fatal error. They are not aware of what kind of chain reaction this is causing. In natural medicine it is taught that it is not bacteria or viruses that are the cause of diseases, but the environment. If there is an appropriate environment, bacteria or viruses that have always been latent in each of us can multiply. You only have to create the environment within yourself through proper nutrition, which is the key to health.

The microbe is nothing

the milieu is everything!

The microbe is nothing,

the environment is everything


Claude Bernard

Info here


Heilzentrum Scheller

Holistic Healing

Practice and training institute for

dark field microscopic vital blood analysis and

radionic testing

according to the findings of HP E.S.Scheller

Heilzentrum Scheller

HP Monika Grießer

Telefonische Sprechzeiten:

Mo bis Do  9.00 - 12.00 Uhr

Tel    ++49 (0) 7732 / 890 325 7

Fax  ++49 (0) 7732 / 890 380 3



Rossittenstr. 15

D - 78315 Radolfzell am Bodensee



Stefanie Scheller

Volksbank Konstanz

DE 73 6929 1000 0227 9597 03


UID  DE315304479

© 2021 - 2024

Stefanie Scheller Heilzentrum Scheller





Hinweis: Aus wettbewerbsrechtlichen Gründen sind wir angehalten, darauf hinzuweisen, dass die hier vorgestellte Technologie (ähnlich wie z.B. Homöopathie, Bioresonanz und Bereiche der Akupunktur) noch nicht mit der überwiegenden schulwissenschaftlichen Auffassung und Lehrmeinung übereinstimmt.

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